Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Appealing News

I have successfully peeled today's orange in one piece.
And the crowds go wild.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's candy time!

This is our new candy dispenser. The last one died miserably last month when I dropped the glass globe and watched in horror as it shattered upon the office floor. Thanks to my coworker's addiction to Dunkin Donuts iced coffee and his even stranger obsession with things that dispense from a container - we now have a perfectly snug and compentent replacement for what was once a round glass ball.

Unfortunately, we were out of chocolate. So my Cheerios had to suffice.

Monday, May 15, 2006

It rained and poured for forty day-zies day-zies

(This is the Merrimack River at Arm's Park in the Manchester Millyard.
The small poles poking out of the water are for kayak races and stand
12-15 feet above the usual water level.)

Welcome to the Water World we in Manchester-Hooksett region formerly referred to as "the Merrimack River." My house, the cozy home I have grown quite fond of and the fabulous family I live with are positioned in the community of Hooksett and across the street from the Mighty Merrimack. Up until now, I have not been concerned of flooding possibilities. Up until now...

It has rained steadily for four days straight. The state of New Hampshire has received two months worth of rain in three of those days. Yesterday, select roads in low-lying areas were closed down. With it being Mother's Day, I spent the evening with Kelly and family. Kelly was my internship mentor and has taken me under her wing from day one. Naturally, I would spend said day with her. During dinner I called home. Dwight answered the phone with a hesitant voice, "We really think you should stay where you are tonight. The National Guard is only letting residents in and encouraging people not to travel if possible." Okay, fair enough.

The news stations were making announcements that the National Guard would be arresting individuals who refused to evacuate homes that were in mandatory locations. I made a nice bed on the couch at the Belley home, propped quite nicely at the top of Manchester's Beech Hill.

My obnoxious alarm sounded. Rather than resetting it, I chose to flip on the television and see if roads to my work would even be accessible. Yes, 28 Bypass was clear as long as I planned to approach from the South. Darn.

To the shower I go. Sure, I have to wear yesterday's clothes, but at least my hair can be clean.


"Lindy are you in there?" asks Kelly.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I just got an email from Christine. She, Dwight and the kids are voluntarily evacuating your house this morning. Just thought you'd like to know - and further complicate your life."

I called my boss and informed him of the situation. I would try to run home before work to pack some clothes, grab my essentials, and head to the office. The National Guard let me pass through their barrier at Dunkin Donuts. I drove slowly and scanned the land off to my right to check for the river level. There it raged - a brown mirky river that taunted each house on it's bank.

Approaching 1/4 mile from my road I was stopped at another barricade. This one was different. This one was a block from my house. This is when I found out that my house is already under three feet of water and expected to continue rising for the next three days. They were also keeping an eye on the section of road before me, anticipating it to collapse in a nicely carved sink hole.

So, thank you Merrimack River. Thank you for spreading the love. Thank you for sending hundreds of families homeless. Thank you for giving me a reason to go shopping.

But dangit. I don't want to go shopping.

Monday, May 08, 2006

What is it with Dalmations?

Click here to see this fabulous puppy video...

Friday, May 05, 2006

¡hola colesterol!

Well, I got a call from the doctor's office this morning. Apparently, my cholesterol is a little high. The doctor's recommendations of a dietary change:

More fibers and bran (equals more pooping)
Lean protein like fish (gag me with a nail gun)
Flax seed oil (currently on sale at Target)

Are they trying to kill me?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Drive Back Roads

I didn't realize my brush with "the big guys" would continue through the weekend. Earlier this week I got an email from a friend. Jars of Clay was in the Manchvegas region and they needed more people to help with load in, concert, and load out. Naturally, I signed myself and Brad up. At first I thought Brad was going to kill me. I honestly gave him the option of not doing it, but he went along with my wishes and decided to join me for the early morning and lengthy day.

Feeling a tad guilty, I bought tickets for the two of us to see Jeff Dunham in Boston at the Comedy Connection. His frustration gave way to excitement. Now, the only task was to make sure he got up in time for load in on Saturday.

Saturday was exhausting, but awesome. Our tasks varied and everything was completed smoothly. I didn't feel any pressure that day until they forced me to eat my taco dinner in 8 minutes before the doors opened.

There were a few hours in the day that we just bummed around and made ourselves available for random help. Sound check began so I plopped down on a random chair and listened. A few others were littered around the large room. It was cold. I was alone. I love sound checks. It's honest. The musicians mess up. The sound fluctuates. The singer forgets the words. The sound man paces the room, returns to the board and tweaks. Jars cleared the stage one by one and Christopher Williams took his place. I had never heard his music before but was immediately astonished with his raw simplicity. I'm a new fan.

Brad and I ended up at the merch tables during and after the show. We worked alongside Schottsy (who is also a musician from Nashville) and Chris (who opened for Jars). I decided that Chris and Schottsy should come to work with me and just randomly express their joy for my presence and assistance - the men at my office aren't exactly "words of affirmation" kind of people, thus making it very difficult to work hard and stay on task. It can be very discouraging to always wonder if you are appreciated or if you're doing a good job. On the flip side, these men were very encouraging and made me feel like my time and energy had been worthwhile. It was my pleasure to be there and I extend my gratitude for their pure and kind hearts.

Time for a confession: It was good that I moved from the Jars table to Chris' table during the night. I liked their first album - alot. I was so disappointed with what I thought to be a poppier sound in the following albums that I just stopped trying their music. No, that doesn't make me an evil person because it's all a matter of taste and opinion. I just thoroughly enjoyed the personality of the early days. Truly, I felt like I was betraying every person who walked up and asked me my opinion of the various cds. "I don't know. But isn't that a great tshirt?"

Saturday night I was alive in my element. Database programming? Sure, I can do it. But working with people is my forte. That's why I loved the coffeehouse. That's why I enjoyed counseling. That's why sitting at a computer day in and day out drains me.

On to Sunday...

After church we headed to Worcester, Mass so Brad could test drive an Eagle Talon. Curtis was jealous. Curtis also got 36 mpg on this last tank of gas (still trying to rationalize that one). The Eagle Talon will never experience such mileage. We then sped away to Boston where we kicked around dirt, watched street performances in Quincy Market before heading up to a most hilarious comedy act by vantrilaquist Jeff Dunham. Check out his stuff on Comedy Central or his DVD on Amazon.

I met a lot of really cool people. I heard a lot of great music. I learned a few more things about myself. I got some new ideas. All-in-all it was a fantabulous weekend.

Dear Aunt Lindy

A recent email from my 7 year old nephew, Ezra. He lives in Anderson, IN.

aunt lindy,

where do you live? do you live on a plane? do you live in a mailbox? i am going to a birthday party today.

love ezra.

My less-than-appealing reply:

Hi Ezra,

I live in Hooksett, NH. Not on an airplane. Not in a mailbox. I hope that does not lessen your opinion of me.

Such information can be quite crushing for a child. I had to follow up with something promising. A bribe of sorts...

I live in a house with a family who has two little boys. One of them is named Dillon (he is 6) the other is named Ryan (he is 5). They will be here when you come visit me. (Here is where I had to spice it up.) We also have a pool. You will get to go swimming with them, I am sure.

I hope you had a good time at your birthday party!
Aunt Lindy

I have saved my title and preserved my reputation among my nephews. And the little children cheer for their favorite Aunt Lindy!!!

(I am a bit concerned as I wonder what his parents are telling him about me...if anything at all. Why on God's green earth would he assume I live in a mailbox?)