Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hell Crickets

Posted by Hello

Okay, they are really called Cave Crickets, but they are from the Devil himself.

These pesty, disgusting, frightful monsters live in my basement. I once thought they were spiders on the prowl because I was too freaked out to get a closer look. (Just looking at the picture gives me the creeps.) I also thought they were hungry for human blood because they don't run away from humans like most bugs, they jump AT you. Not only do they have ups, but they jump at an angle, and thanks to their sticky feet, generally land on the side of something. The worst is when they land on sounds awful. Nothing kills them, except for a seven pound Betty Crocker cookbook. Evidently they serve little or no economic purpose and we presume that the crickets eat the dead carcasses of their loved ones.

I hate spiders, but I hate crickets even more. If I were on Fear Factor and they put me in a case of these, I would have a panic attack.

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