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What if Judy Nardoni had written a blog?
I often suppress the fact that I cannot recall all that my practical mother taught in her years of life to other family and friends. In her attempt to be a godly wife, mother, and friend, she often fulfilled lives with open ears and words of truth and wisdom. As I get older and come into situations unknown at the young age of 18, I wonder what Mom would have done or said. To my friends trying to juggle, train, and grow multiple young children, what encouragement would she have bestowed? To my loved ones with loss and depression, what love would she have poured? To those with crisis in marriage, work, or church, what would she have prayed? What did she share with you?
1 comment:
Judy Nardoni would have written a blogpost about loving God and her family, and still finding time to be creative. I think that in her creativeness she found ways to love and serve others. She would have posted about recipes,(and sharing those recipes with neighbors, like Ed and Freda), or would have written about stenciling a wall for a young couple, excited about purchasing their first house (Steve and I).
Mostly, I think she would have posted about having faith in all circumstances. Your mom taught me a lot and I have always felt your pain, because I lost my mom when I was just 21. I have wondered many times what she would have done in different circumstances. You have more of your mom in you than you realize my dear, hold on to that.
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