I have been catching myself doing certain things...the little quirky things about me that could send someone up the wall or merely set me apart from the next guy. So here are a few I've come up with.
- Everytime I walk into my office I go by a desk lined with keyboards. There is one keyboard in particular that catches my attention as the buttons appear soft to the touch. So, without fail, as I meander through the building and pass the desk, I reach out with my right hand and tap the 8, 5, and 2 keys on the number pad.
- I exclaim, "Slip and Slide!" everytime I see a good hill.
- Whenever I'm in a car that is cruising through a yellow light, I tap the ceiling twice with my pointer, middle and ring fingers.
- I always brush my teeth before washing my face.
- I literally cannot talk if I'm sitting on my hands.
- Order my fries and bacon "extra-crispy."
If I have ice in my drink, I don't like there to be more than three pieces.
- Turn my pop tab 90 degrees to the right side.
- Scrunch my toilet paper.
- Will identify any physical location as "Guam." Especially if I cannot recall its actual name.
- Get physically ill at the sight of wet hair in my sink or tub drain.
- Eat my ice cream slowly - unconsciously loading each spoonful and then taking little bits off at a time - savoring the experience for as long as possible, yet managing to do so before the dairy product melts.
- Always play ping pong with the red side of my paddle facing my opponent.
- I'm always moving, whether I'm dancing to get to the other side of the room or shaking my leg as I sit in a chair.
- Automatically begin playing "He Hideth My Soul" the moment I sit down at a piano.
- Conintue referring to my
little brother as "Jeffrey" even though he has been "Jeff" to everyone else for years.
- Talk out loud whenever I'm alone. Often times making up songs that correlate with my surroundings.
- Immediately remove my shoes when I get to work.
- Take days psyching myself into hauling my laundry to the basement and just as long to put all the clean clothes away.
- Read the first 30 pages of a book and open another to read 30 pages of to find another....
- Everytime I say, "Look at the sky!" Whoever is with me scans the area and asks, "What guy?" Did I stutter?
- Wave at construction workers as I pass them.
- I never drink coffee the same way twice. I never measure the contents I add. I never know if it tastes differently than the cup preceding it.
- I really hate talking on the phone, but require a 900 minute phone plan because I'm always talking on the phone.
- Remember specific details of my dreams the next day. For some odd reason, feel the need to share those details even though dreams are not interesting to anyone other than the person who had them. So don't tell me about your dream unless I'm in it or unless you think it would be significant to me.
- Very rarely do my feet touch the ground in a restaurant booth. Hence requiring me to sit Indian style or stretched out to the opposite bench.
- As children eating dinner, my father would constantly wipe our "sticky fingers" with a wet washcloth. As a result, I now eat every meal with a napkin crunched up in my left hand. Not that I use it. And a paper towel is too big.
- And finally, because I've had enough self-reflection for one day, I have a song or movie quote pop into my head for just about anything.