Thursday, June 09, 2005

Going Up?

There is some sort of compliment experienced when you discover you have been linked to someone's blog. It's like you are part of their life somehow...ego boosted.

Although attention is drawn, mostly because you are oddly amused by reading your name on the internet and you find yourself quite overjoyed that this person would find you worthy of being named on their short list of fellow writing artists, your heart is thwarted and you experience a deafening blow when you realize your name is not at the top...not even close to the top. How did that guy get his name up there? Bob only talked to him when he had something in his teeth...ego busted.

Well look, link to Sally's blog and there is your name high on the charts and even before her best friend's name...ego boosted!

Of course, there are some people (cough - John) who simply ignore your request of being added...ego busted.

Shocked, you find that there are some people you hardly know, but obviously respect your chosen friends and writing style enough to add your name to their list...ego boosted.

Then there are the people you just smirk at. I mean really, do they not know we have them figured out? They are the people pleasers -- put the names in alphabetical order and no one gets their feelings hurt. WRONG! Poor Zach Zibberman has been the final name in every roll call since Kindergarten...he just can't win...ego busted.

And then there is Lindy. She merely lists the names according to how often the other person blogs. Not based on their writing style or whether she really likes them or not. So, if you are at the bottom of her's because you are only a blogger by name, not by lifestyle. Step it up a notch and you'll climb the ladder.

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