Monday, December 13, 2004

Fashion Statement?

Fashions To Show Your Faith
Posted by Hello

A few nights ago I was strolling around my friend's house with a can of coca~cola and handfull of peanut M&Ms when my eyes caught sight of this magazine thrown off in the corner. My eyes were first drawn to an article title: "God gone Hollywood" and just giggled. I took a gulp of my cold beverage and nearly chocked when I focused in on the cover's delightful selling point: Fashion Statement. The model's tshirt -- I don't know if it is politically correct to refer to her as a model since this is a Christian magazine. We probably shouldn't give these kids that kind of stereotype in the event that they would develop eating disorders or self esteem complexes -- has a penguin on the front that is exclaiming, "Jesus is Cool!" Well, is he? I'm pretty sure that several references to Jesus in Scripture would indicate that he was uncool, unattractive, and unaccepted. With that aside, and other than the fact that it is simply cheesy, is it right for us to promote him in this way? Tell me what you think...

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