Conversation last night turned to the issue of red meat in our system. Could it be true that it will stay in our systems for years? Sounds extreme to me. Have you heard about these "cleansing" techniques? Here's what our research brought...
Colonic Irrigation
Ozone colonic irrigation assists in the breakdown of cholesterol, cleans the colon of yeast infection and parasites, stops infection and inflammation and helps the liver produces more bile to aid the absorption of lipids and nutrients.
Ozone colonic irrigation assists in the breakdown of cholesterol, cleans the colon of yeast infection and parasites, stops infection and inflammation and helps the liver produces more bile to aid the absorption of lipids and nutrients.
Some symptoms relieved by colonic irrigations are: a coated tongue, colon cancer, constipation, backache, bad breath, bloating, fatigue, bad gas, headaches, indigestion, loss of concentration, lung congestion, sinus congestion, skin problems, nail fungus, and symptoms of yeast infection.
During the first phase of home colonic irrigation, the old stagnant waste coming out may appear in two types. The putrefactive waste has a very bad odor. The post-putrefactive waste cannot putrefy any further. The color ranges from black, dark brown, gray, or green with a little odor.
The Benefits of Colon Cleansing
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The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Everyone would greatly benefit with doing a full Colon Cleanse at least once per year, with ongoing colon maintenance when necessary. It is recommended that Parasite Cleanse be taken at the same time as the Colon Cleanse. For optimum health, our objective should be to cleanse not only the colon, but all of the vital inner organs as well.
The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Everyone would greatly benefit with doing a full Colon Cleanse at least once per year, with ongoing colon maintenance when necessary. It is recommended that Parasite Cleanse be taken at the same time as the Colon Cleanse. For optimum health, our objective should be to cleanse not only the colon, but all of the vital inner organs as well.
A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon, the last portion of your food processing chain. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a waste filled bowel, the excreted toxins will only get recycled back into your body.
One of the most frequent bowel problems that people experience today is constipation. Constipation is generally attributed to a low fiber diet and lack of sufficient water, which cause our fecal matter to become condensed and compressed.
A constipated system is one in which the transition, or "time", of toxic wastes is slow and the consistency of the stool can cause strain (which over time may cause hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hiatal hernia, or other mechanically induced problems). The longer the "transit time", the longer the toxic waste matter sits in our bowel which allows proteins to putrefy, fats to rancify, and carbohydrates to ferment.
The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon at all times. On top of all this, your system can also become continuously self-polluting by the poisonous gases that are caused by foods you don't tolerate. These poisonous gases can enter your bloodstream, irritating your organs and joints.Alternating between constipation and diarrhea, or diarrhea alone, are also indications of foul matter in your intestines. And finally, the much more serious problems of cancer and immune system dysfunctions begin with a toxic bowel.
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