Sunday, March 28, 2004


There was a day, not too long ago, when I blogged for myself. I've been doing this for over a year now and until 3 months ago, no one read a single thing that I wrote. There was no pressure. There was only pleasure. I enjoyed ranting and raving about God knows what and having the indefinite safety of knowing that nobody cared, because nobody saw it.

Things have since changed and I am having difficulty finding my rut again. It's much like that guarded feeling I used to get when I would write in my though someone would find it after I died and read it at my funeral.

Perhaps I should take a break from it in order to reform my "Blog Purpose." Maybe I should write Rick Warren and request a copy of "The Purpose Driven Blog" and have my own 40 Days of Purpose to refocus why I am doing this. Am I merely trying to please the fans? Is that why I feel empty and like a failure?

Day One: Why am I a blogger?

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