Wednesday, January 29, 2003

So what's the big deal? Often times I ponder this question and think that perhaps life isn't so complicated. Maybe I get caught up in the stereotypical 21st century whirlwind like everyone else and simply create the chaos. Yesterday was one of those days. I got caught in the financial aspect of life. Dreadfully, I have to now admit that I am completely broke. Worse off than I would like to be, but not quite in the depths of despair. I now can only hold onto two things, I mention two because without one I would not have the other. The first thing is hope/faith. God will provide. God provided almost 22 years ago, which is the second, his name is Dad and he has always been willing to help me out in my time of need. Gracias padre. The whirlwind has ceased, I have accepted my fate, and now I move on. Anywho, today I applied to a church for an internship!! Eek! I'm excited about it and I pray that it all comes through well. Congrats to the little man, Jeffrey, for his position as study hall monitor in the Danville public school system! Who would've ever thought....

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Classes are actually going well. I am anticipating a rough, but perhaps enjoyable semester. Ruth came to see me (and a few others, I suppose) yesterday. That was indeed the highlight of my day off. I also got my pictures back from Amsterland. Very exciting...very expensive...very worthy. Alright, I'm off to read.

Saturday, January 18, 2003

Okay, I have finished my day's duties. If you have ever packed clothes to send overseas, you will appreciate the bagging that I helped with this afternoon. A ton of students gathered in the Stupid Center today to help with a clothing drive. It was really cool. I had some friends over tonight...we watched Fight Club and smothered each other in a "gassy exchange." Okay, I had no part in it, but I was indeed fumigated. Needless to say, I have an apple candle lit to hide the stench. (And that should indicate that most of the population was male. Girls don't fart until they have children.) Alright, I'm pooped. I hope that everything is going well in Amsterdam...I think about you guys a lot! Love you all...

Friday, January 17, 2003

Hello everyone! School is back in session and although I have not quite adapted to the time change, I feel great! I have to go run some errands, but perhaps I will blog again in a little while. Peace.

Monday, January 06, 2003

It is 3:13 a.m. and I am sitting in Doug's office in Amsterdam. It was beautiful, warm, and sunny today. I am feeling so much better and I think it is because of the wonderful people God has strategically placed around me. Something special has been happening to my heart. I could try to explain, but as most of you know, it would probably evolve into a sublime rambling session. Something I prove to do well on many occassions. I think I will have a difficult time leaving on Sunday. Our time here has been well-spent painting, shopping, and visiting. We have made several connections and though I may never see any of these people again, I will forever hold them in my heart. Right next to the place I have been holding my Dominican friends. God is amazing and he is doing wonderful things in Doug. I don't know if he's aware, but he has and will be one of the best things to ever happen to me. I thank God now and always for friends like him. If only everyone could learn to love and be loved. It is then you experience God.

Saturday, January 04, 2003

Okay, so I have been sick for over a week and I'm tired of it. Last night proved to be horrible when I lay in my bed for hour after hour after hour unable to fall asleep. Needless to say, this day has been exhausting! We did some grunt work and painting at Crossroads Church located in a huge apt. building here in the center of A'dam. I returned early from the festivities and took a wonderful nap. I would like to take this moment to revamp a quote made by my dear friend Derek Zoolander, "Illness is the essence of sleeping. Sleeping is the essence of beauty."

Friday, January 03, 2003

Yeah for Europe!!