Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Moving Again!

You are reading this correctly. We are packing up all of our things and moving yet again. This time, however, we will be relocating to our "new", old and crappy house! *That is what Brad calls anything with character and charm. Now you know what I call him.

Many of you know that we have been enjoying the Midwest Life as a married couple: we both appreciate our employment, we like the community, and we really, truly soak up the slower pace of life. So much that we have decided to make Lincoln our home indefinitely.

This means a number of things for our immediate future. 1) We have the obligatory packing to do. 2) We have repairs to make, walls to paint, and floors to refinish. 3) We have a month to do it, but with Brad's newest hours and our upcoming family vacation, neither of us will be available at the same time. How will I be able to reach and lift? Who will keep Brad focused and motivated?? Needless to say, every spare minute we will be sinking our fingers into the project.

We invite you along on our journey. Hopefully, we will have some interesting stories and humorous images to share. Please let us know if you have any desire or time to help out. The pay isn't great, but the company and homemade cookies are to die for!

*Closer to May, we will be notifying family and friends with our change of address and phone numbers.

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