Monday, April 19, 2010

"Can you ever just be whelmed?"

Meet Cool Breeze and Dirt Diver.  Brad and I picked out these two adorable kitties on Saturday.  They are currently residing at my work in a spare office (thanks Patrick!) until we can take them to their new home this weekend.  Having the little creatures around has certainly caused me to laugh at a time when I would otherwise shut down.  We are quite excited to move into our new home, but the responsibility that lies ahead is a bit daunting.  Not to mention, Brad's work schedule has him gone most evenings when we would likely be working together on a project.  I'd like to think the house is causing stress and the cats are causing relief, balancing me out to a "whelmed" feeling. 

Back to packing.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Inkin' Lincoln One Tattoo at a Time


Where will curiosity and offerings of free food get you on a beautiful Saturday afternoon?  For me and Brad, it will walk us into the Grand Opening of Styx Tattoo in Lincoln. 
I can always count on Lincoln to make me giggle. There is nothing quite like a ribbon cutting ceremony containing red-coated Chamber Members surrounded by bikers and their ladies in corsets. Ahhh, now that is a sight to behold...
In the days leading up to the opening of Styx, I have had many conversations with people who are concerned with the clientel it will draw to our otherwise homey, quaint square.  There have been valid concerns and support voiced along the way.  In my own experiences, I have met many kind-hearted individuals who choose to turn their body into a canvas.  They have never been a threat to me.  (Of course, most of them are musicians or youth ministers.)  However, I work next door to this new venture and wanted to know what it is about. 

The owners appeared very friendly.  You can count on the fact that they are going to be running a tight ship.  They have already stated that under no circumstances will they tattoo a minor, nor will they "ink" anyone who appears intoxicated with drugs or alcohol.  They have a very clean establishment.  They are well-situated on a college town square (and we all know how these Christian College students act when they breathe in the scent of freedom) where a majority of LCU report to never have visited.  From a sheer business perspective and in regards to growth of commerce in our small town, unless they tatoo and piece all of their potential clients in a few months, I have no doubt that this establishment will be around for a long haul.  With the way they intend to operate, I have determined that I would rather have a place like this in town than another bar. 

Truthfully, their presence is difficult for me to accept because I am not typically comfortable in the atmosphere of said parlors. I enjoy the quiet personality of our downtown and hate to see it littered with neon signs and flashing lights.  Will I avoid that corner at night if people are hanging around outside? Absolutely. Will I try my very best not to judge the people I see going in and out of there? Yes.  I encourage you to do the same.

So, welcome to town, Styx.  Try not to disappoint us.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Moving Again!

You are reading this correctly. We are packing up all of our things and moving yet again. This time, however, we will be relocating to our "new", old and crappy house! *That is what Brad calls anything with character and charm. Now you know what I call him.

Many of you know that we have been enjoying the Midwest Life as a married couple: we both appreciate our employment, we like the community, and we really, truly soak up the slower pace of life. So much that we have decided to make Lincoln our home indefinitely.

This means a number of things for our immediate future. 1) We have the obligatory packing to do. 2) We have repairs to make, walls to paint, and floors to refinish. 3) We have a month to do it, but with Brad's newest hours and our upcoming family vacation, neither of us will be available at the same time. How will I be able to reach and lift? Who will keep Brad focused and motivated?? Needless to say, every spare minute we will be sinking our fingers into the project.

We invite you along on our journey. Hopefully, we will have some interesting stories and humorous images to share. Please let us know if you have any desire or time to help out. The pay isn't great, but the company and homemade cookies are to die for!

*Closer to May, we will be notifying family and friends with our change of address and phone numbers.