Whether or not you are familiar with demotivators, I highly recommend you click this link to despair.com and look up the following posters: Achievement, Adversity, Agony, Arrogance, Blame, Burnout, Challenges, Change, Conformity, Destiny, Disloyalty, Dysfunction, Elitism, Flattery, Get To Work, Give Up, Goals, Government, Hope, Idiocy, Ignorance, Incompetence, Indifference, Ineptitude, Intimidation, Irresponsibility, Limitations, Madness, Mediocrity, Meetings, Motivation, Nepotism, Pessimism, Persistence, Planning, Potential, Pressure, Pretension, Problems, Propaganda, Quality, Regret, Risks, Sacrifice, Sacrifice Temple, Sanity, Strife, Stupidity, Success, Teamwork, Tradition, Underachievement, Vision, Worth.
You have just summarized the last 9 months of my job and Brad's job. If it weren't so true, it would be funny. *Sigh* I'd like to go into detail, but in this age of Google, I'm traceable.
Brad has applied to LCC for the Spring semester and we have chosen to relocate as soon as possible so I can job hunt. We will be leaving NH the beginning of October and living in student housing until we can find something more permanent.
I'm exhausted, frustrated, excited, and optimistic. We hope to leave behind some demons and stretch forward in new adventures. We will most certainly miss our friends and family. Unless they disown us. Then we won't even remember their names.
Even though I'm happy for both of you, it is tough to see you go. I'll miss you both!
woah...like LCC as in 'the' LCC...the one that YOU went to?
Yup, like the one YOU went to.
I found your blog through Steve's site... We haven't chatted much since way back in the LCC day when I'd come to visit Hill, but we are in Lincoln now. My dh is in LincUp. If your friends have all left the area, please feel free to let me know. We'd be happy to be a friendly face back in small town world. I'm sorry to hear that your job has been such a crapfest lately. It may not be much help right now, but having "life" crumble around us and move us back so B could go back to school has wound up being a wonderful thing in many ways - I will pray that it is for you two as well.
Anyway, we're here... if you don't mind tripping over a few toys know you have a friendly face who'd love to get you a home-cooked meal while you are getting settled. (but message me through Facebook... I never remember to check back on people's blogs... I suck.) ;)
Sara Cosby
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