Thursday, July 12, 2007

Planning a Marriage and What I've Observed

Forget planning a "wedding." A wedding is but a mere kickoff to the more important marriage. I think Brad and I have had a good start at preparation for one of the most monstrous choices in our young years; but that hardly means we're perfect.

Here are some observations I've made in the last few months - just thoughts that may not pertain to everyone or every situation.

1. Young people are stupid. We attended A Weekend to Remember in April and were shocked with the number of teenagers who were present. They appeared oblivious to the simple instruction of paying attention to no one but your "spouse" while present and insisted on eating out with their friends. They squirmed when the teacher told them to discuss how they'll raise children, determine finances, and develop communication skills before marriage. We decided parents probably sent them as a means of intervention.

2. We're stupid - but we have awesome scores! Brad and I both know that the road of marriage will have it's bumps and consequential bruises and broken bones. Maybe it's the model of marriage that our parent's set up; but we have a positive outlook on the downward spirals that will undoubtedly ensue. We took an online survey/test for pre-marital counseling and our compatibility scores were outstanding! Our scores were so good, in fact, that they ranked us as "idealistic" apparently, because we know there will be hardship, but divorce is not an option we're idealistic about our marriage?? Backwards, but whatever.

3. Non-traditional or not; someone is going to make you crazy. Our wedding, by societal standards, will be anything but ordinary. It's inexpensive, fun, and I'm secretly hoping that someone will mess up their walk down the aisle - not in an embarrassing way, of course. But no matter how you look at it - someone or something is always going to urge you to insanity. I'm learning to pick my battles and address the issue whether I fight with swords or sticks. Half the insanity comes when you don't deal with "it." Whatever it may be.

4. Planning the wedding I "never knew I wanted" is actually quite fun.

5. Things are expensive. Don't let Aunt Ida or Papa Pete determine how you spend.

6. If you're going to do it halfway - don't do it at all. I've noticed that it's better to do a few things well than a lot of things poorly. Which is why we probably won't end up with any decorations... ;)

7. Moving things around for a new spouse to move in is a lot harder than I imagined. Last night I began moving my art and photography supplies into the spare closet to clear space for Brad's montage of button down dress shirts. I was actually sad about emptying my closet to make room for his stuff. I like the way I've had things set up... Too bad...

8. Brad will be top notch at reaching things on the shelves and unloading the car.

9. Take a flippin' honeymoon for crying out loud. I can't believe how many people don't and regret it! After all that planning you deserve a vacation!

10. Reply cards....reply cards....reply cards.... I will never misplace one again....

11. Planning a smaller wedding with the closest family and friends is by far the most exciting thing about our wedding. It will be a fabulous reunion of sorts!

That is all I have for the moment. I'm sure there will be more to follow.

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