Monday, October 24, 2005

New Pictures

I've posted a few more pictures on my pictoral site.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stuck in a Web

Work has been ridiculously inconsistent as of late. One moment I am swamped with boredom and mind-numbing online activity and the next I am hounded with United Healthcare requests and demands. The spittle and influctuation of the day would be a nightmare if not for the fluid connectivity of the broadband world.

I baffle myself with what I consume my time. Some days I have a mental list of google items and research questions. Other days I would rather vegitate as my eyes zone into a mass of flash items and games. I may be intellectually on edge ready to take a test and challenged of my knowledge. Yesterday I had such a moment and began an IQ test. Sadly, halfway through I found myself incredibly bored, without a second thought I quickly selected random answers for the rest of the exam. I got it done. And fast. Perhaps I should be taking the ADHD test.

Unstimulated by interacting with a machine I ache for the conversations of friends beyond. Then I wonder...What if instant messaging were merely a conspiracy created by the American Psychological Association for job and economic security? I mean, really, it's brilliant. They set us up by indicating through Microsoft, Yahoo, MSN, etc. that we are having these communicative moments while in reality each message is intercepted by a psychiatrist who then in turn makes us "aware" that these conversations are of our imagination, hence flinging us into their chairs wondering why we thought such things were real to begin with and throwing our thousands of dollars into medications, meetings, and mental health programming. Everyone on the outside splits the profits and the rest of us waddle through life terrified.

Or not.

I found the above picture online. Instantly, it reminded me that if one should choose to cut a feline's whiskers the subject will appear tipsy, run into walls and stuff. Give them some catnip and it's a trip for all!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rain, rain GO AWAY!

The green blob in the top right hand corner is where I live. As of right now, it has rained for five days straight and they are predicting five more.

Monday I thought that perhaps I have Seasonal Affect Disorder. Then I realized, I simply do not like New Hampshire Fall weather. I don't like the continual rain. I don't like feeling damp. I don't like gray skies. I don't like dead leaves. I really don't like the dead, damp leaves sticking to me when I step out of my car.

Things I do particularly enjoy: Cookouts (that aren't rained out), cool nights under the stars (when they aren't obscured by insane cloud coverage), colorful leaves sweeping along the streets as I drive by (unless they are flooded out by the ongoing rainfall), games of frisbee in the park (that closes at dark which unfortunately is about an hour after I get off work), nightfall (as long as it hasn't appeared to be night time all freakin' day long), football (if I can occassionally step outside and breathe in the smells that are currently muffled by the twin sounds of plip and plop).

My conclusion is this. Summer was beautiful in NH. We had very favorable temps. In September, I left Manch-Vegas in such conditions. I flew South and spent ten days in outrageous heat, with the temp rising to 110 degrees more than once. I returned to my home on a day of drizzle, downpour, and dilapidating warmth. It was a shock to my system and I have yet to be recharged.

Since my house stands unharmed from the pools of liquid wrath falling from the skies, unlike many homes in my area, I have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for Southwest who provides inexpensive roundtrip flights to Florida. I am thankful for my mostly dry bedroom. I am thankful for trees of beauty and the river near my abode, usually blanketed by thick fog in the morning. I am thankful for summer. May it come quickly.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Saw Nickelcreek last night. This was my second viewing of their fantastic show, the first only two years ago in the acclaimed city of Normal, IL. I paid full price for a seat of which only needed the edge. My head was spinning. My mouth probably gaping. Children danced. Grown men cried. Quite happy. Very content. It was magical. I am a Nickelfreak.

Go. You must go as well.