Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What a Week

I don't feel like going into grave detail. My week was long. It was exhausting. It was sad. It was fun. It is now going to be summed up in list form.

- Met Newt Gingrich yesterday.
- My friend, experienced God's intervention last Wednesday night, may he see it as that.
- Thought about childbirth Sunday and was partially disturbed and partially disgusted. The things that happen... GEW.
- Got plates for my car - CURIUS. Then found out that it is also the name of Britney Spears' new fragrance. Fantastic. Aren't friends supposed to stop us from things like that?
- For the record - I got CURIUS from Nickelcreek's song that says "Only the curious have something to find."
- Actually driving my manual transmission "Black Stallion" and only stalling about once a day.
- Work is busy. Yet we somehow manage to squeeze in ping pong, archery (which I am surprisingly good at), and frisbee. Next week we are taking up golfing. Have I mentioned - I love my job.
- Agreed to go on a double date next weekend. Should be interesting.

I need to write some letters now.

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