Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Fresh Air

My window serves as a gateway allowing breeze and sound to waft subtly into my otherwise dry and stale bedroom. I wonder if I were to lie still enough whether or not the splatters, currents and trickles of the river beyond would be capable of reaching my busied ears.

Often, too often, meandering responsibilities, mundane scheduling, and unimpressive expectations crowd out the simplest and one of the most romantic abilities I have as a created being - sensation.

I forget the calming gift of an open window on a cool spring night until that first week in April when I unashamedly and most excitedly unveil its power. A strength that bitter winds and cold snows have forced to remain locked and untouched until an onset of lengthened days and melting snow beckon its magnificence from hiding. As I unlock and push open the window, the gentle breeze floods back to me and with it a lifetime of memories of such moments. Times throughout the years that I have lain still and quite soothed before another window in another home in another time in another stage of life.

I forget the patter of a beastly rainfall accompanied with a gentle mist that carries on the sideways wind, undaunted by screen or cloth. And sitting beneath a tarp I remember those camping trips - seemingly destroyed by the onset of dropping temperatures and sudden storm, but moreso enriched with good company, games, and frog hops on the pop-up ceiling. Days of humidity sing to the curls upon my head and ask them to spring to life and coil most dramatically and uncontrollably.

And my heart smiles now as I feel alone but not lonely. With so much to observe and a great desire to share it.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Best Job EVER

Not only did I get to leave 30 minutes early today...

Before my departure, my boss handed me a brand spankin new iPod mini - in celebration of his newly signed contract and for all my hard work.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What a Week

I don't feel like going into grave detail. My week was long. It was exhausting. It was sad. It was fun. It is now going to be summed up in list form.

- Met Newt Gingrich yesterday.
- My friend, experienced God's intervention last Wednesday night, may he see it as that.
- Thought about childbirth Sunday and was partially disturbed and partially disgusted. The things that happen... GEW.
- Got plates for my car - CURIUS. Then found out that it is also the name of Britney Spears' new fragrance. Fantastic. Aren't friends supposed to stop us from things like that?
- For the record - I got CURIUS from Nickelcreek's song that says "Only the curious have something to find."
- Actually driving my manual transmission "Black Stallion" and only stalling about once a day.
- Work is busy. Yet we somehow manage to squeeze in ping pong, archery (which I am surprisingly good at), and frisbee. Next week we are taking up golfing. Have I mentioned - I love my job.
- Agreed to go on a double date next weekend. Should be interesting.

I need to write some letters now.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

When it stops making sense.

Last night my friend tried to take his own life.
When did it stop making sense?
He comes from a beautiful family filled with love.
When did it stop making sense?
He took a leap and now lies in bed wondering...
When did it stop making sense?
I hear his laughter and see his full smile.
So when did it stop making sense?
Did I hear his cry out? Did I do all that I could?
Why can't it just make sense?


Monday, April 11, 2005

The Cross

It's a symbol. But of what kind? Death...torture...sin...pain...

Should it be necessary to display a cross in our churches? What if, say a church decides to refer to the cross during communion but would rather focus its attention on life?

I'm sure gut reaction says, "Well, certainly! We should have at least one cross at the front of every congregation." After all, that is what we are accustomed to.

My personal opinion, after giving it much thought, is that we should remember not just the cross, but what the impact of Christ's death on that cross did for us. He took our sins upon himself. Rather than displaying a cross beam of wood, is not his message also about an empty tomb? Where would we be if he had remained dead on that cross, buried, and never to be alive again?

Perhaps rather than a cross we should consider an empty tomb.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Death Becomes Her

The time has come for the Silver Bullet to be laid to rest. Sunday morning during a routine trip down Wellington Road, the Bullet experienced a cough, a wheeze, and a putter. She had to be towed back to the church parking lot - a mere mile and a whole $75 later. She could not shift gears, my worst fears, of her failing transmission. Most of her parts are working, but she cannot function as an automobile and she need not inconvenience our lives any longer. She now sits with a running engine, but worthless to society. So, we ran her fluids dry - pulled the plug - so to speak. In a few days she will be towed away and crushed forever. Our times were precious but I know she would not want to live this way.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Blue Dog Banter

Attention LCCers, those who always desired to be an LCCer, and those don't have any affiliation whatsoever with LCC. Professors of our day have taken it upon themselves to begin podcasting for us, their little people, so we may have an equal opportunity in delighting in their banter and musings. I urge you to tune in to Blue Dog Banter starring Isaac Gaff, Michael Gowin, Scott Sarver, and the silent partner, Tom Sowers.