Thursday, April 29, 2004

Blast You Boston and Your Concretal Treachery

Yet another beauty has joined the blogging world. Emily York, welcome.

As of today, I have officially experienced the hell of driving through, around, between, below, and above the city of Boston without ever reaching my proclaimed destination. Kelly and I were taking a short afternoon trip to Mass General to visit a woman who just had serious heart surgery. We began the journey with MapQuest in hand and joy in our hearts. As we weaved in and out of traffic for an hour and half we drove through the dreaded intersection where, after picking up Luc and Adam from the airport, a stretch Hummer limo attempted to take a bite out of The Silver Bullet. Anyway, my patience was wearing thin, and I wasn't even the one driving. We decided that it was time to try something different. Unlike most men, we stopped for directions. Not once...but twice. And then we called the hospital. Not once...but twice. If the city were not full of dead ends and lack of signage, we could have been successful in our search. Sorry Ann. We really wanted to visit. Truly we did.

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