Monday, February 16, 2004

PRESIDENT'S DAY! Here Jeanne and I thought they cancelled Staff Meeting merely because no one wanted to go to it and it was all because we actually have the day off.

Congress went beautifully. Thursday we spent volunteering so that those of us who stayed could attend Friday and Saturday for free. Cheri, Michele, Jeanne, and I stayed in the Hilton together...I must apologize again for my spirited personality Thursday night that obnoxiously kept us awake until 1 am. It must have been the coffee...the Tylenol...the Ibuprofen...the Coca~Cola...the chocolate...the three hours of sleep from the night before. Regardless, we had a splendid time! Friday night some of us saw Chris Tomlin and Band and following a mob of tourists, Jeanne and I unashamedly had our picture taken with him and Daniel (guitarist).

Yesterday was full. After church I headed over to Cheri's to draw signs for next Sunday's dramatic reading and then I was in charge of our lesson for YDC last night. Those girls are beginning to warm up to me more every week. We finger painted last night and it was so much fun to see them get dirty and play like children should. They warm up my heart and it will be extremely hard to say goodbye...but we aren't going to talk about that right now.

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