Friday, February 20, 2004

Blub blub blub. That's right....the sound of a working hot tub! Thanks to the Mullet family I have the honor of borrowing their home and hot tub while they are in Arizona. Rough life? I think not! This is by far the best internship I could have ever asked for. Too bad you foos in IL can't be here to enjoy it.

The roommates and I had the envied pleasure of picking up Isaac Gaff this morning (note: this is the sixth trip I have made to the airport in three weeks). We fashioned four posterboard signs that read "Over here Isaac Gaff" and made our way to the convenient Manchester airport. Driving to the "Carson Mix" in our soccer mom van, the woman next to us in her matching soccer mom van outright laughed at me for car dancing. I began developing a complex when we lined up in the airport with Isaac's signs and received the same mocking tones of laughter. I don't think so many strangers have laughed at me this often in one day before. Regardless, we had a great time and Isaac came right over to us even though we were expecting him to hide his face and walk right by without so much as a glance.

I almost forgot to mention that Jeff PULLED A (pocket) KNIFE in the airport!!! What on earth could he be thinking?! I thought for sure we would be bailing (or not bailing) him out of jail.

By the way, I hate my template.

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