Thursday, December 18, 2003

The week began beautifully. Small flecks of snow danced around my face as I wedged every last thing I own into the confines of my car. Even the goodbyes were sweet. I figured the mood would last the day, but as soon as my muffler-spewing Jimmy swept onto the interstate, excitement and freedom lifted my spirits. Visions of Woburn, Lord of the Rings, and a fireplace cluttered my mind and the drive to Greenville became phase one of my journey. Now phase two approaches me and not as welcoming. Now I have to say goodbye to my best friend. Maybe you have had to do it before. You know that what lies before you is an adventure worth taking and even mandatory, but it doesn't make the goodbyes easier. That is where my heart currently lies ~ torn between love and familiarity of the past with hope and unfamiliarity of the future.

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