• Lindy procured employment with Integrity Data, Inc in downtown Lincoln. She holds the title of “Business Services” aka Job Security.• Brad shifted employment from Fastenal to a weld shop to the line at the “Box Factory” to Logan County 911 Dispatch which he currently works for. He tends to speak to the population that only comes out in public for the county fair.
• Brad changed from Lincoln Christian University’s undergraduate Business Administration major to their Hargrove School’s Leadership and Management major. This is an adult program that allows him to work full time while taking night classes.
• A run-in with the crazy downstairs neighbor at LCU’s Student Housing, who accused Lindy of not being a Christian because of our placement of the ironing board, encouraged us to begin house hunting.
• Lindy celebrated her golden birthday…29.
• House signing + possession = WALLS TO PAINT!
• We got babies! Lindy’s Gramma helped fund the adoption of two, adorable kittens named Cool Breeze and Dirt Diver. It was the most dear and precious thing to do with Gramma, it brought her as much joy as it would have to see our own babies! The adventure was the final, precious memory we made with her as she passed away in August.
• Attended the death-defying Belley family vacation to Rivermen in West Virginia.
• Our awesome House Warming Party was a success. Live music, great friends, delicious food. It may become an annual event, so keep the first weekend of October available next year.
• Eleven year anniversary of Judy’s death (Lindy’s Mom) came and went.
• Mark, Brad’s dad, had surgery before Thanksgiving that has left him on a long road of recovery. Please continue prayers of healing!
• Made a trip to New Hampshire to see the Belley clan.
• Brad turned 26 and now qualifies for the 26-40 checkbox on the church connection card.
• We got a special birthday surprise from Brad’s parents – Tickets to the Patriots v Bears game!!! Which the Patriots won, of course. :)
• Celebrated the Lord’s birth with friends and family.
Thank you for perusing your way through what could easily be confused with an office memo.
Each and every day we count ourselves blessed to be surrounded by such great people. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Brad, Lindy, Cool Breeze and Dirt Diver