The week has increased in loveliness, but only after random spurts of snow, which we have miraculously and quite nicely been without since the beginning of January.
Brad is wrapping up his first semester at Lincoln Christian College. His business classes have been enjoyable and the friends he has made are keeping his social tank full. In March, he joined a group of students on a mission’s trip to Knoxville, Tennessee where they framed homes for Habitat for Humanity. (During which time, my dear friend, Cara, kept me entertained and well fed.) He still works part time for Fastenal, but is seeking supplemental income for the summer. If you hear of anything opening, please let us know.
I have been working for Integrity Data just over three months. Angie, my coworker, teacher, and friend, has been doing a wonderful job teaching me new concepts in Accounting and training me on the procedures we use at the office. They have also dubbed me Photoshop Girl, Scully Building Photography Girl (a building my boss purchased off the Town Square), Donut Retriever, and just the other day I was presented with a miniature door…still not sure what that is all about. We have daily Foosball games, birthday sing-a-longs (which really should be outlawed), a never-ending candy dish, and lots of laughter to spread around. Needless to say, it is one of the best places I could have ever chosen to spend eight hours a day. (And we get real work done too!)
Brad and I have been enrolled in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We are in Week 3 of the program and moving right along. There have been tears, laughter, and gnashing of teeth, but we wouldn’t trade the experience or the wisdom we have gained and will continue to cultivate.
My love of photography and the endless possibilities therein, continue to grow. This summer I will be spending some time assisting in weddings with my mentor. Brad continues to be a significant part of my business, surprising me with equipment and always being along for the ride. It really excites me to have him on board with my adventures.
The family has certainly been a blessing – near and far. We miss Brad’s family like crazy, but know that our time apart will soon be remedied with a visit of some nature. It has been wonderful being near my family again, watching the little ones grow up with a closer perspective.
And friends...where would we be without our friends? These are the people who have to deal with us on a regular basis and continue seeing us! These are the people who have held our hands through stressful situations and laughed with us through silly situations. They don't have to, but they do anyway. We appreciate you.