Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Birthday Countdown...

Sunday - I was served my favorite of all cakes...APPLESAUCE CAKE!

Monday - Evidence that the writer's strike has ended. Easter candy.

Tuesday - One whole year with MassMutual and Tom. Easter candy.

Wednesday - Worked overtime and watched the last episode of Jericho (on tape). Wept. Easter candy. Canker sore.

What could the rest of the week possibly bring me?!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Farewell to Another Goodie

CBS has chosen to cancel my favorite show, Jericho, due to a lower number of viewers.

Here is a suggestion - air the show earlier so people will actually stay up to watch... At the moment, it doesn't come on until 10 pm when most East Coasters are settling into their evening routine and heading to bed.

Here is another suggestion - Lose Big Brother. Anyone who dedicates themselves to that trash should be smacked.

Problem solved. Get more viewers and push around some stupid people.

Why do they end all of the good ones? What can I do to bring it back? I feel so helpless...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Got it!

Thank you, hubby, for my fantastic birthday present!!

I knew someone would give in...figures it was the one I cook dinner for. Well, sometimes I cook dinner for him. If you consider toast and cereal as dinner.

But I make some kick-a desserts!